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Index of State of Delaware Business Licenses and Registrations
The Accidental Release Prevention (ARP) program requires Risk Management Plans from facilities with certain chemicals, and the ARP inspects chemical facilities subject to its regulations once every three years. The Federal Regulations specify the chemicals and the amounts to be regulated; the State of Delaware in some instances has stricter thresholds than the Federal limits. The ARP Group is committed to helping small business, please call us with any questions at 302-739-9405.
The Risk Management Plan (RMP) must be submitted to DNREC. Updates and resubmissions of RMP must be made, at a minimum, every 5 years.
There is an annual fee.
Accidental Release Prevention forms on webpage – can be submitted via email attachment or by mail. See link:
State of Delaware Regulations:
Federal Regulations:
Jamie Bethard can be contacted by email at and by phone at 302-739-9404.
This search covers most of the frequently requested licenses, certifications, registrations, and filings that the State of Delaware requires. However, this is not a fully exhaustive list of every possible requirement. Please consult with the appropriate state agencies to find out if there are additional requirements you must fulfill.
Related Topics: Accidental Release Prevention, Accidental Release Prevention (ARP), Chemicals, Chemicals Posing Hazards, Hazardous Substances, Manufacturing, Risk Management Plan (RMP)