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Index of State of Delaware Business Licenses and Registrations
Recycling/reuse operations and composting operations must obtain written approval from the Department. The process and ultimate approval are referred to as a Beneficial Use Determination (BUD). It is typically for recyclers handling materials that are segregated. More complex operations handling mixed wastes require a Resource Recovery Facility Permit.
Case by case
Adam Schlachter can be contacted by email at by phone at 302-739-9403.
This search covers most of the frequently requested licenses, certifications, registrations, and filings that the State of Delaware requires. However, this is not a fully exhaustive list of every possible requirement. Please consult with the appropriate state agencies to find out if there are additional requirements you must fulfill.
Related Topics: Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) Approvals, Composting, Composting Operations, Environmental Protection, Recyclers, recyclying and reuse, Solid and Hazardous Waste