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Index of State of Delaware Business Licenses and Registrations
The primary objective of the Delaware Board of Geologists is to protect the public from unsafe practices and practices which tend to reduce competition or fix prices for services. The Board must also maintain standards of professional competence and service delivery. To meet these objectives, the Board •develops standards for professional competency •promulgates rules and regulations •adjudicates complaints against professionals and, when necessary, imposes disciplinary sanctions.
Geologist licenses expire on 9/30 of even years.
Customer Service can be contacted by email at and by phone at 302-744-4500.
This search covers most of the frequently requested licenses, certifications, registrations, and filings that the State of Delaware requires. However, this is not a fully exhaustive list of every possible requirement. Please consult with the appropriate state agencies to find out if there are additional requirements you must fulfill.
Related Topics: earth sciences, environmental geologists, envrionmental scientist, Geologist, geology, geoscience, mineralologists, Professions, structural geologists