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Index of State of Delaware Business Licenses and Registrations
Home Health Agencies (HHA) are business entities or sub-divisions thereof, whether public or private, proprietary or not-for-profit, which provides to individuals primarily in her/his place of residence, two (2) or more home care services, one of which must be either licensed nursing services or home health aide services.
A probationary license shall be granted for a period of ninety (90) calendar days to every agency that completes the application process consistent with these regulations and whose policies and procedures demonstrate compliance with the rules and regulations pertaining to skilled home health agency licensure. A provisional license may be granted for a period of less than one year if the agency is not in substantial compliance with the regulations or fails to renew a license within the required timeframe. A license shall be granted for a period of one year (12 months) to all home health agencies which are in substantial compliance with these rules and regulations at the time of application.
A nonrefundable application fee for Home Health Agencies is $500. Payment of an annual licensure fee is $300. A provisional license, as authorized by the Department, shall be issued when health requirements are not met and a licensure fee of $300 has been submitted.
Licensure applications are e-mailed and/or sent to the facilities upon request.
Licensure renewal forms are sent to the facilities annually, prior to the expiration of the current license. Please contact our office with any questions or to obtain a renewal form.
Nancy Lizzi can be contacted by email at and by phone at 302-292-3030.
This search covers most of the frequently requested licenses, certifications, registrations, and filings that the State of Delaware requires. However, this is not a fully exhaustive list of every possible requirement. Please consult with the appropriate state agencies to find out if there are additional requirements you must fulfill.
Related Topics: Health, Home Health Agencies, home health agency licensure